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Yixiong Chen

I am currently a first-year CS Ph.D. student at Johns Hopkins University, advised by Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Alan Yuille.

I received my B.S. in Data Science from Fudan University in 2021. After that, I worked as a research assistant at Shenzhen Research Institute of Big Data, where I was honored to work with Dr. Li Liu and Prof. Chris Ding. I will never forget the time spent in Shenzhen which taught me to be grateful and concentrate.

My current research focuses on multi-modal foundation models for medical image analysis.

I'm working as a Student Researcher at Google Research.

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  • 06/2024, I join Health AI team at Google Research as a student researcher.
  • 12/2023, 1 paper has been accepted by ICASSP 2024.
  • 08/2023, I join CCVL@JHU as a new Ph.D. student.
  • 06/2023, 1 paper has been accepted by MICCAI 2023.
  • 02/2023, 1 paper has been accepted by CVPR 2023.
  • 12/2022, 1 paper has been accepted by ICLR 2023.
  • 12/2022, 1 journal paper has been accepted by IEEE TMI.
  • Research

    I'm interested in exploring the mechanism behind deep learning, designing efficient training algorithms for semi-supervised/active/transfer/self-supervised learning and generative modeling, as well as the applications for medical image analysis.

    Conference Papers:

    1. Leveraging Noisy Labels of Nearest Neighbors for Label Correction and Sample Selection
      Hua Jiang, Yixiong Chen, Li Liu, Xiaoguang Han, Xiaoping Zhang
      ICASSP 2024 | paper

    2. MetaLR: Layer-wise Learning Rate based on Meta-learning for Adaptively Fine-tuning Medical Pre-trained Models
      Yixiong Chen, Jingxian Li, Hua Jiang, Li Liu, Chris Ding
      MICCAI 2023 | paper

    3. Label-Free Liver Tumor Segmentation
      Qixin Hu, Yixiong Chen, Junfei Xiao, Shuwen Sun, Jieneng Chen, Alan Yuille, Zongwei Zhou
      CVPR 2023 | paper

    4. Which Layer is Learning Faster? A Systematic Exploration of Layer-wise Convergence Rate for Deep Neural Networks
      Yixiong Chen, Alan Yuille, Zongwei Zhou
      ICLR 2023 | paper

    5. HiCo: Hierarchical Contrastive Learning for Ultrasound Video Model Pretraining
      Chunhui Zhang, Yixiong Chen, Li Liu, Qiong Liu, Xi Zhou
      ACCV 2022 | paper

    6. USCL: pretraining deep ultrasound image diagnosis model through video contrastive representation learning
      Yixiong Chen, Chunhui Zhang, Li Liu, Cheng Feng, Changfeng Dong, Yongfang Luo, Xiang Wan
      MICCAI 2021 | paper | Oral Presentation | Excellent Paper on Artificial Intelligence of Shenzhen

    Journal Papers:

    1. Generating and weighting semantically consistent sample pairs for ultrasound contrastive learning
      Yixiong Chen, Chunhui Zhang, Chris HQ Ding, Li Liu
      IEEE TMI 2023 | paper | Excellent Paper on Science and Technology of Shenzhen

    Workshop Papers:

    1. Synthetic Tumors Make AI Segment Tumors Better
      Qixin Hu, Junfei Xiao, Yixiong Chen, Shuwen Sun, Jie-Neng Chen, Alan Yuille, Zongwei Zhou
      NeurIPS Workshop 2022 | paper

    2. When person re-identification meets changing clothes
      Fangbin Wan, Yang Wu, Xuelin Qian, Yixiong Chen, Yanwei Fu
      CVPR Workshop 2020 | paper | Highest Impact Award of IEEE Computer Society Biometrics Workshop

    Preprint Papers:

    1. Quality Sentinel: Estimating Label Quality and Errors in Medical Segmentation Datasets
      Yixiong Chen, Zongwei Zhou, Alan Yuille
      Arxiv 2024 | paper

    2. Human Preference Score v2: A Solid Benchmark for Evaluating Human Preferences of Text-to-Image Synthesis
      Xiaoshi Wu, Yiming Hao, Keqiang Sun, Yixiong Chen, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao, Hongsheng Li
      Arxiv 2023 | paper

    3. X-IQE: eXplainable Image Quality Evaluation for Text-to-Image Generation with Visual Large Language Models
      Yixiong Chen, Li Liu, Chris Ding
      Arxiv 2023 | paper

    4. Rethinking Two Consensuses of the Transferability in Deep Learning
      Yixiong Chen, Jingxian Li, Chris Ding, Li Liu
      Arxiv 2022 | paper


  • 06/2023, Meta-learning for adaptive fine-tuning. Thanks Dr. Zongwei Zhou for the invitation.
  • 02/2023, The property of DNN's layer-wise convergence. Thanks Dr. Zongwei Zhou for the invitation.
  • Services

  • Reviewer of MICCAI 2023, ICML 2023, T-ASE.

  • Teaching assistant at CUHK (Shenzhen).

  • Awards

  • 2024, Highest Impact Award of IEEE Computer Society Biometrics Workshop.

  • 2023, Excellent Paper on Science and Technology of Shenzhen.

  • 2022, Excellent Paper on Artificial Intelligence of Shenzhen.

  • 2021, Second Class Scholarship for Outstanding Graduates of Fudan University.

  • 2018, Huawei Cloud Scholarship.

  • 2015, 1st prize of National Physics Competition of China.

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